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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3781   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 296. An act to refund to Nathan E. Berry, of Balti-


more city, for the benefit of J. L. Middleton and


others, moneys erroneously paid by them to Inspectors


of Tobacco in Baltimore city for outage and storage-


No. 297. An act to authorize the Trustees of the Provi-


dence Methodist Protestant Church in Carroll county,


to sell and dispose of certain property therein men-




No. 298. An act to declare the sanction of the General


Assembly to the bequest and devise of Charles Spates,


late of Montgomery county, deceased, to the Trustees


of the Baptist Church at Rockville, in Montgomery


county, Maryland.................................................


No. 299. An act to amend the charter of the Hannis Dis-


tilling Company of Philadelphia and Baltimore city...


No. 300. An act to repeal section one hundred and


seventy-nine, of article four, of the Code of Public


Local Laws, title " City of Baltimore," sub-title


"Sheriff'," and to amend and re-enact the same.........


No. 301. An act to appropriate a sum of money to enable


the Directors of the Maryland Institution for the in-


struction of the blind, to pay oft' an indebtedness ex-


isting against that institution.................................


No. 302. An act to refund to Joel B. Danner and David


Zeigler, partners trading under the name and firm of


Danner & Zeigler, the sum of one hundred and twenty


dollars, money erroneously paid into the Treasury.....


No. 303. An act to increase the facilities of the grain mar-


ket of the State by giving effect and negotiability to


"elevator receipts.''.............................................


No. 305. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay


the claims of Ruth P. Griffith and Susannah Bond, of


Baltimore city, and Lydia Smith, of Harford county..


No. 306. An act to repeal section tive of chapter three


hundred and eighty-one of the acts of eighteen hun-


dred and seventy-two, so far as relates to Prince


George's county, entitled " an act to provide for the
destruction of hawks and owls," and to protect the


class of small birds known as insectivorous birds, in


Prince George's, Talbot and Montgomery counties ...


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3781   View pdf image (33K)
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