vices of some distinguished citizen of Maryland to
deliver an oration on the life and public services of
the late Chief Justice ; and be it further
Invitation to
officials and
Resolved, That the said special.committee be in-
structed to invite the Governor, the Judges of the
Court of Appeals and other high officials of this
State, the Justices of the Supreme Court of the
United States, as also the family and relatives of the
late Chief Justice, to be present on the occasion.
No. 3.
Directing the Comptroller to place to the credit
of insurance companies incorporated by the State of
Pennsylvania and doing business in this State, such
amounts as may have been paid by them for license
since May the first, eighteen hundred and seventy-
WHEREAS, by the act passed by the General As-
sembly of Maryland at the January session, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, chapter three hundred
and eighty-eight, section thirty-six, the same taxes,
fines, penalties, deposits of money or securities, or
other obligations or prohibitions are imposed upon
all insurance companies of other States doing busi-
ness in the State of Maryland, as are imposed upon
insurance companies incorporated under the Laws
of the State of Maryland and transacting business
in such other States; and
WHEREAS, the Laws of the State of Pennsylvania
imposing a license of tive hundred dollars, and an
additional tax of three per cent, upon all premiums,
receipts, was so changed (taking effect after the re-