Assented to by the General Assembly of Maryland, at a Session
begun on the 1th day of January, 1874, and ended
on the 6th day of April, 1874.
No. 1.
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Governor and Commander-in-Chief be and
Authorized to
he is hereby authorized to dispose, by sale or ex-
dispose of
change, as he may judge best, of all military prop-
erty now on hand which has been or may be
condemned by regular inspection as unfit for issue,
and apply any proceeds that may arise therefrom to
the purchase of suitable arms, or such other objects
for the maintainance of uniformed militia, he may
deem best.
No. 2.
WHEREAS, it is proper and right that the public
service of so great and good a man as the late Chief
Justice Taney should be cherished and preserved in
the memories of our people, and kept before the
youth of our State as worthy of their emulation.
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Joint special
That a joint special committee of three on the part
of the Senate, and four on the part of the House of
Delegates, be appointed to request the committee
appointed under the Act of the General Assembly,
A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, chapter
fifty-six, to appear in the Hall of the House of Dele-
gates on the seventeenth day of March next, and the
joint committee be also authorized to secure the ser-