quired date of renewal of all licenses within the
State of Maryland,) as to require only payments of
the three per cent, tax on all premiums received ;
Se it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Comptroller of the Treasury be and he is
Requested and
hereby requested and directed to credit on all state-
ments of premium receipts made by insurance com-
panies incorporated under the Laws of Pennsylvania
and transacting business in this State, such amounts
as may have been paid by each of said insurance
companies for licenses since May the first, eighteen
hundred and seventy-three ; provided, however, that
the charge to each of said insurance companies for
the year to end May the first, eighteen hundred and
seventy-four, shall not be less than the amount of
license heretofore paid.
No. 4.
In relation to the boundary line between the States
of Maryland and Virginia.
WHEHEAS, the commissioners heretofore appointed
by the States of Virginia and Maryland to adjust
the boundary line between said States, have sub-
mitted to their respective Legislatures their final
report, setting forth the propositions for adjustment
reciprocally submitted and declined, and finally their
inability to agree upon a boundary line to be jointly
recommended for adoption by the Legislatures of
the two States, and
WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Maryland,
upon consideration of the several propositions of
boundary which have been suggested, pending the