and in virtue of the annuity bestowed by the acts of
the General Assembly, has gratuitously educated a
large number of students from Dorchester county,
which it proposes to continue to do ; and —
" WHEREAS, the said Seminary is unable, for want
of sufficient buildings, to accommodate all those who
desire to become pupils, and is also without philoso-
phical apparatus necessary to its purposes, for which
reasons its usefulness as an institution of learning is
limited, and its powers for good restricted ; and —
WHEREAS, large sums of money have heretofore
from time to time been appropriated by the General
Assembly to educational and charitable institutions
upon the Western shore, while similar appropriations
to the Eastern shore have been extremely limited in
amount; therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Treasurer be and he is hereby
authorized and directed to pay, upon the warrant of
the Comptroller, to the Trustees of the Cambridge
Directed to pa;
Female Seminary, the sum of one thousand dollars
annually, for five consecutive years, to be applied by
them to the erection of additional buildings, the
purchase of philosophical apparatus, and increasing
and improving the library and cabinet, or to any
one or more of these objects as they may think best.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1874.