were not entitled; and in any case in which letters
testamentary, or of administration, have been or may
hereafter be granted to any person, either as sole ex-
ecutor or administrator, or as executor or adminis-
trator to act in conjunction with another person, or
with other persons, and such executor or administra-
tor shall be desirous to retire from and resign such
appointment, after he shall have accepted the same,
Retire from
and resign
said executor or administrator may exhibit his peti-
tion exparte in the court by which said letters were
granted, accompanied by a full and particular ac-
count under oath of his or her receipts and disburse-
ments, if any, as such executor or administrator, and
the said court, upon the tiling of such petition and
accounts, shall have jurisdiction in the premises, and
shall cause notice to be given by publication in one
Notice to be
or more papers of the city or county where such let-
ters were granted, and for such time as the said court
may deem proper, of the filing of said petition, and
if no good cause shall be shown to the contrary, by
the day that may be limited in that behalf in said
notice, the said court shall release and discharge the
said executor or administrator from the further per-
formance of the duties of said appointment, and may-
pass such order as to costs and commissions and im-
pose such terms in other respects, as the nature of
the case may require; provided that such executor or
administrator and his sureties, shall not by such dis-
charge be released from liability to any person in in-
terest for past acts, defaults or omission of duty.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1874.