AN ACT to repeal section twenty of an act entitled
"an act to incorporate companies to make several
turnpike roads through Baltimore county, and for
other purposes," passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and four, and to re-enact the same
with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section twenty of an act passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and four, enti-
Repealed and
tled " an act to incorporate companies to make sev-
eral turnpike roads through Baltimore county, and
for other purposes," be and the same is repealed and
re-enacted to read as follows, viz :
20. The said respective companies shall and may
appoint such toll-gatherers as they shall think
proper, to collect and receive tolls from all and
Appoint each
every person using the said roads, the tolls and rates
hereinafter mentioned; and to stop any person ri-
ding, leading or driving any horses, cattle, hogs,
sheep, sulky, wagon, sleigh, sled, buggy, or other
vehicle, from passing through the said gates or turn-
pikes until they shall have paid the same ; that is to
say, for every space of ten miles in length of the said
road the following sum of money, and so on in propor-
tion, for any greater or less distance, as for any
greater or less number of sheep, hogs or cattle, viz :
for every score of sheep, one-eighth of a dollar; for
every score of hogs, one-eighth of a dollar ; for every
score of cattle, one-fourth of a dollar; for every
horse and rider, or led loose, one-sixteenth of a dol-
lar ; for every two-wheeled vehicle with one horse,
one-eighth of a dollar ; for every vehicle with two
horses and four wheels, one-quarter of af dollar, and
with four horses and four wheels, three-eighths of a
dollar ; for every cart or wagon whose wheels do not
exceed the breadth of three inches and a half, one
eighth of a dollar for each horse drawing the same ;
for every cart or wagon whose wheels shall exceed
in width three inches and a half, and not exceeding
seven inches, one-sixteenth of a dollar ; for every
cart or wagon, the breadth of whose wheels shall be