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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3430   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That any land which may

Land tendered.

be tendered to "the said company in payment for the


whole or any part of any subscription to the capital


stock of the said company, heretofore made or here-


after to be made, if the valuation thereof shall not


have been agreed upon, it shall be valued by two ar-


bitrators, one to be appointed by the company and


the other by the subscriber, within ten days after


being notified in writing of the appointment of an


arbitrator by the company ; and in case of disagree-


ment of the said arbitrators then by an umpire, to be


chosen by them, and the said arbitrators or the said


umpire shall make their award in writing; the same


shall be binding and conclusive upon both the com-


pany and the subscriber ; and in case any subscriber,


whose subscription is made payable in- land, shall


fail to tender to the said company land to the value

Fail to tender.

of such subscription, within twenty days after being


notified and required by the said company in writing


so to do, or in case the said subscriber shall neglect


or refuse to designate or appoint an arbitrator, as


hereinbefore provided, within ten days after being


notified in writing as aforesaid of the appointment


of an arbitrator by the company, or if the land ten-


dered by said subscriber should, upon being so valued


as aforesaid, prove insufficient for the payment of


such subscription, or if such subscriber shall fail or


neglect to convey such land to the company in pay-


ment of such subscription, after such award shall be


made as aforesaid, for the space of thirty days after
the same shall be demanded by the company or its

Penalty for

duly constituted agent or attorney, then and in that


case the said company may forfeit the said stock, or


may in its discretion institute and sustain in its name


an action or actions before any tribunal in this State,


having jurisdiction of the subject matter, to recover


from such subscriber the amount of such subscrip-


tion in money, or any part thereof due, or any defi-


ciency therein as aforesaid, together with interest


thereon and cost of suit.


SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said company be


and the same is hereby required and bound to run


or cause to be run daily, at least two through trains

Two dally pas-

of passenger cars, without change of cars between

senger trains.

the cities of Baltimore and Annapolis, either over ita



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3430   View pdf image (33K)
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