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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3428   View pdf image (33K)
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habitants as aforesaid, who were not upon the former

Second disa-

jury, and the same proceedings shall be had there-


upon in all respects, as is hereinbefore provided;


and iu case of a second or other disagreement of the


jury, the same proceedings shall be had until an in-


quisition shall be agreed upon, made and returned


as aforesaid; and the said company shall have the


right at any stage of the proceedings, under any


such warrant as aforesaid, to dismiss the said pro-


ceedings thereunder; and after dismissing the same,


the said company may, at any time, apply for and


obtain another warrant from a justice of the peace,


under which the same course of proceedings may be


had as aforesaid, as fully as if the former warrant


had not been issued ; and —


WHEREAS, the said company has been duly organ-


ized under its said charter, and the work of con-


struction of said road has been commenced, but it is


feared, that from unavoidable delays, either in ob-


taining the righ't of way for the said railroad, or from


other causes, the said company may be prevented


from completing the said road in its full extent


within the time limited by the said charter, and


further time is desired for the completion thereof;


therefore —


SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That if the said road shall


not be finished in five years from the first day of

Shall be

January, eighteen hundred and seventy, then the


said act, and this and all other amendments thereto,


shall be null and void, and that the nineteenth section


of the said act be and the same is hereby repealed.


SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever, in the


construction of the said road or roads, the said corn-


pany shall find it necessary or expedient to change the
site of any portion of any public road, it shall cause

Necessary or
expedient to

the same to be constructed at its own proper cost


and expense, on another location to be selected by


and under the authority of the County Commissioners


of the county, or if the said County Commissioners


shall fail to make such selection within thirty days


after being requested to do so by the company, then


on such location as may be selected by the said com-


pany, and in as perfect a manner as the original


road; provided, the damages, if any incurred in



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3428   View pdf image (33K)
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