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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3427   View pdf image (33K)
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confirmed by the said court at its next term or ses-

To be recorded.

sion, if no sufficient cause to the contrary be shown;


and when confirmed shall be recorded by the said


clerk, at the expense of the said company; but if the


same be set aside, the court shall order and direct


another inquisition to be taken, in the manner above


described, on a day to be named in such order, or


(if not so named,) to be fixed by the sheriff, and.


without any further warrant from a justice of the


peace being requisite; and the same proceedings.


shall be had thereon as in reference to the first in-

Order other

quisition, and so the court may from time to time


order such further or other inquisition or inquisitions


to be had in the premises as may be requisite, until


one shall be confirmed as aforesaid ; and in case the


second or any other inquisition which may be con-


firmed by the court, shall not award to the owner or


owners of the land or other property taken, a larger


amount of damages than was awarded by the pre-


ceding inquisition, the court may, in its discretion,


order the costs of the said second or other inquisition


to be paid by such owner or owners, and the inqui-


sition shall in all cases describe the property taken,


or the bounds of the lands condemned, and the


quantity or durations of the interest in the same


valued for the company; and such valuation, when


paid or tendered to, or paid into the said court for


the owner or owners of the property, his, her. its or

Entitled to es-
tate and inter-

their legal representatives or agent, or attorney, shall
entitle the said company to the estate, and interest


thus valued, as fully to all intents and purposes as if


the same had been duly and legally conveyed to the


said company by the said owner or owners; and the


said valuation, if not received when tendered, may


at any time thereafter be received without costs from


the said company, by the said owner or owners, his,


her, its or their legal representatives or agent, or


attorney; and the sheriff shall keep the said jury


together for a reasonable time, until they shall agree


upon and sign and seal the said inquisition ; and in

Cannot agree.

case it shall so happen that the jury cannot agree,


after being kept together as aforesaid, the said


sheriff may, in his discretion, discharge the said jury,


and without any further order of the court, or war-


rant from a justice of the peace, shall, within five


days thereafter, summon another jury of twenty in-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3427   View pdf image (33K)
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