AN ACT to amend the charter of the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal Company, and to repeal so much
of the act passed March twenty-second, eighteen
hundred and thirty-three, entitled an act to pro-
vide for the continuation of the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road to Harper's Ferry, and for other
purposes, as prohibits the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal Company from selling or disposing of any
of the surplus water of said canal, to be applied
any where within this State to the manufacture of
any species or description of grain.
WHEREAS, by second proviso to the second section
of the act passed on the twenty-second of March,
eighteen hundred and thirty-three, entitled an act to
provide for the continuation of the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road to Harper's Ferry, and other pur-
poses, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company is
prohibited from selling or disposing of any of the
surplus water of said canal, to be applied anywhere
within this State to the manufacture of any species
or description of grain; and
WHEREAS, it hath been represented to the General
Assembly, that the said restriction upon the power
of Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, operates
injudiciously upon the interest of said company, by
preventing it from earning revenue by the judicious
use of its surplus water-power.
SECTION 1. Therefore be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That so much of the second
proviso of the second section of the act passed March
twenty-second, eighteen hundred and thirty-three,
entitled an act to provide for the continuation of the
Repealed .
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road to Harper's Ferry and
for other purposes, as prohibits the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal Company from selling or disposing of any
of the surplus water of said canal, to be applied any
where within this State to the manufacture of any spe-
cies or description of grain, be and the same is hereby
repealed, and full power and authority is hereby given