lication for a reasonable time for building the jail
and court-house and offices, and furnishing the same;
and that the party or parties proposing to erect said
buildings, and the party or parties proposing to supply
furniture for the same, shall present their proposals
in sealed envelopes, to be deposited with said County
Commissioners or their clerk, which proposal shall
Proposal shall
set forth
set forth the amount of money for which he or they
propose to do the work or supply the furniture; and
good and sufficient security shall be taken by the
said County Commissioners from the party or par-
ties contracting to erect said buildings and offices,
and from the party or parties contracting to furnish
the same, in the name of the County Commissioners
for Garrett county, as a security for the faithful per-
formance of such contract or contracts as may be
entered into ; and that the contract or contracts for
erecting said buildings and furnishing the same, shall
be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.
Make a full
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That when said buildings
and explicit
shall be completed, the said County Commissioners
shall make a full and explicit statement of the num-
ber and amount of bonds sold as aforesaid ; give a
full and detailed statement of the cost of said build-
ings and furniture, the name of every person to
whom money was paid in erecting said buildings and
supplying furniture for the same, and publish said
statement in the usual way of publishing public
matter in Garrett county.
In force.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1874.