coupon bonds therefor, in sums not less than one
Issue bonds
hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars,
to be signed by the President of the Board of County
Commissioners, bearing interest payable semi-an-
nually on the first day of May and November respec-
tively ; said bonds to be sold by said County Com-
missioners, and the proceeds applied to the payment
of the expenses incurred in purchasing a site or sites
and erecting thereon a court-house and coun ty jail,
not exceeding thirty thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if said bonds be
required, they shall be issued to mature at such dates
as shall not require the payment in any one year of
more than two thousand dollars of the principal sum
thereof; and that said bonds shall be redeemable
with interest at the pleasure of said County Com-
missioners at or before the maturity thereof.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That to redeem said
bonds, the County Commissioners, shall annually levy
upon the assessable property of Garrett county, a tax
sufficient to pay the interest on said loan, said portion
of the principal sum to be annually paid, and for the
collection thereof, said levy to be separately desig-
nated as the county building fund.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the bonds hereby
Exempt from
authorized shall be exempt from all taxation, and
that interest on said bonds shall be received by the
collector in payment of the county taxes.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if the County Com-
missioners, shall find it impracticable to raise the
to raise.
sum of money required to build the court-house and
jail and purchase a site or sites therefor, except upon
disadvantageous terms in the way hereinbefore pro-
vided, they are hereby authorized to borrow such
sum or sums as may be required, and to levy upon
the assessable property of the said county for the same
in such annual instalments as they may deem expe-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said County
Procure and
adopt a plan
Commissioners shall, as speedily as possibly, procure
and adopt a plan and specifications for said build-
ings; and they shall invite sealed proposals by pub-