AN ACT to incorporate the town of East New
Market, Dorchester county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of the town of Bast New
Market, Dorchester county, are hereby constituted a
body corporate, by the name of the Commissioners
of East New Market, and by that name may have
perpetual succession, sue and be sued, and have and
use a common seal.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the limits of said
town shall begin at a stob driven on the side of the
county road leading from East New Market to Cabin
Creek, near the division line, between Mrs. Baker's
lot and John Webster's farm ; and shall run from
thence north twenty-six and a-half degrees, west
eighty perches; thence south eighteen and a-half
degrees, west one hundred and eighty perches;
thence south twenty-six and a-half degrees, east
Metes and
one hundred and sixty perches; thence north
eighteen and a-half degrees, east one hundred and
eighty perches ; thence north twenty-six and a-half
degrees, west eighty perches, to the beginning.
The commissioners hereafter to be elected may make
such alterations in said limits as they may deem ad-
visable, and cause the same to he surveyed, and the