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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3352   View pdf image (33K)
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six, on seven hundred acres of land, in the sum of


twenty-nine thousand and fifty dollars; and


WHEREAS, in the year eighteen hundred and


seventy, the said Cox presented to the Commission-


ers of Talbot county, a re-survey plat of said lands,


showing the contents to be but five hundred and sixty-


three acres ; and


WHEREAS, the Commissioners of Talbot county,


in the year eighteen hundred and seventy, before


the tax-bills for said year were sent out, granted an


abatement on the said lands for the said error in said


quantity of one hundred and thirty-seven acres, in


the sum of five thousand six hundred and eighty-five


dollars; and


WHEREAS, the said Doctor Luther C. Cox, under


the act of the General Assembly of eighteen hun-


dred and seventy-two, chapter three hundred and


ninety, has been refunded for the State taxes paid for


said years of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, eigh-


teen hundred and sixty-eight and eighteen hundred


and sixty-nine; but the Commissioners for Talbot


county declined, on the ground of their having no


legal authority to refund to him the amount of the


county taxes for said years, or to credit him for the




SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of

Authorized to

Maryland, That the Commissioners of Talbot county


be and they are hereby authorized and required to


refund to Doctor L. C. Cox, or to credit him on his


tax accounts, for the sum of forty-one dollars and


fifty cents, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-


seven ; for the sum of forty-five dollars and forty-


eight cents, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-


eight ; and for the sum of thirty-nine dollars and


eighty cents, with the interest due on said respec-


tive sums, being the amounts due for said three years


as county taxes on the erroneous assessment of one


hundred and thirty-seven acres of his real estate,


valued at five thousand six hundred and eighty-five




Approved April 11th, 1874.



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3352   View pdf image (33K)
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