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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3350   View pdf image (33K)
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by him for said period, the number of licenses, male


or female, received by him, when, and to whom by


him issued, and the number still in his hands un-




SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That every such collector


shall be entitled to ten per centum of the amount


collected and accounted for by him ; fifty cents for


each and every dog killed by him, and to one-hali


the fines recovered, as hereinbefore provided, upon


his information and evidence under the provisions


of this act.


SEC. 5 And be it enacted, That every such collector


who shall neglect or refuse to discharge the duties


imposed upon him by this act, shall be liable to a


fine of five dollars and costs, for each and every case


of failure or refusal to perform his said duties, to be


recovered by an action before any justice of the


peace for said county, whose duty it is hereby de-


clared to be, to collect said fines, to pay over one-


half thereof to the informer or informers, and the


other half to the said County Commissioners of said


county, who may allow such compensation for such


duty as may be reasonable and just.


SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if any person or


persons shall steal, entice or carry away any dog
male or female, whose owners have complied with


the provisions of this act, every such person or


persons shall be guilty of larcency, and upon prosecu-


tion and conviction thereof by any tribunal now or


hereafter to be authorized by law to try such offence,


shall be fined a sum equal to the value of such dog


or dogs, to the owner or owners of such dogs so


stolen, enticed or carried away; and in addition


thereto, shall suffer imprisonment in the county jail


for not less than one nor more than six months, in


the discretion of the court or the other tribunal


trying such case.


SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if any dog shall be

Duty of collec-

seen killing or worrying sheep, and upon information


to the owner or keeper thereof by one or more


persons, he, she or they shall refuse to kill said dog,


it shall be the duty of the collector to kill the dog at


the expense of the owner, for which he shall be en-



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3350   View pdf image (33K)
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