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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3349   View pdf image (33K)
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mencing on the first day of June, eighteen hundred


and seventy-four ; and that any and every owner of


such animal or animals who shall fail or refuse to

Penalty for

pay the aforesaid tax, shall be liable to presentment


and indictment by the Grand Jury of said county,


as for misdemeanors, and shall be fined not less than


five dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not


less than five or more than ten days, in the discretion


of the court trying the case, one-half of the said fine


to go to the County Commissioners aforesaid, for the


purposes hereinafter specified, and the other half to


the informer or informers ; provided, however, that


any owner who shall kill any dog rather than pay


such tax, shall not he liable for such tax or fine; the


finding of any dog or dogs about the premises of any


person, shall be prima fade evidence of the owner-


ship thereof.

Issue license.

SEC, 2. And be it enacted, That the County Com-


missioners of said county, shall issue licenses with


blanks for the name of the owner, date of delivery,


and description of dog, in the name of the County


Commissioners, signed by the President of the said


Board of County Commissioners, or a majority of


said County Commissioners, and attested by the


clerk thereof, for any such dog or dogs, male or


female, and cause a sufficient number of the same to


be delivered to the several collectors in said county,


whose duty it shall be to deliver to the owner or


owners of dogs called upon for said tax, or applying


to said officers for such license, upon the payment


of the tax hereinbefore prescribed; and at the time


of such delivery, to fill up the blanks in said license


or licenses, to be left for that purpose, with the color


and name of the owner, the date of such delivery,


and with such an accurate description of such dog as


may be practicable.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the County Com-

Keep account.

missioners shall keep an accurate account of every


license signed and issued under the provisions of the


preceding section ; shall charge the exact number


delivered to every such collector, and take his receipt


for the same ; and require every such officer to make


to them, once in every three months, a return of his


proceedings, under this act upon oath, exhibiting an .


exact statement of the amount of money received

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3349   View pdf image (33K)
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