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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3342   View pdf image (33K)
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as the committee on printing may be authorized to


pay, by order of the two Houses; to the Chief Clerk


of the House and Secretary of the Senate, for the


publication of the laws of the present General As-


sembly, three hundred dollars each, six hundred






To the members of the Appeal Tax Court, fifty


dollars each, one hundred and fifty dollars; to the

Baltimore city.

Register of Baltimore city, three hundred dollars ;


to the Maryland Penetentiary for improvements,


twelve thousand dollars ; and for support of the


Institution, ten thousand dollars or so much thereof


as may be necessary ; to the House of Refuge, fifteen


thousand dollars ; for the Maryland Institute for the


instruction of the blind, as per act of eighteen


hundred and sixty-eight, chapter two hundred and


five, fifteen thousand dollars , to the Board of Di-


rectors of the Maryland Institute for the instruction


of the blind, for the education of deaf and dumb,


and blind colored children of this State, ten thousand






To the night watchman of the public buildings) six
six hundred dollars each, twelve hundred dollars; to


the person employed to take care of the public build-


ings, six hundred dollars; to the keeper of the steam-


house and record office furnaces, six hundred dollars,


and to his assistants, six hundred dollars; to the


messenger for the Governor, one thousand dollars;


to the person employed to take charge of the Gov-


enor's Mansion and the furnaces thereof, six hundred


dollars; for insurance on the Governor's Mansion,


four hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be


necessary ; to the State Vaccine Agent for his salary,


six hundred dollars; and to defray the expenses


incurred by him in procuring reliable vaccine virus,


fourteen hundred dollars; to the Librarian for dis-


tributing Maryland Reports, one hundred dollars;


to pay John H. Handy for legal services in the case


of the State vs. the Cumberland and Pennsylvania


Rail Road Company, five hundred dollars ; to the


Librarian for distributing laws, documents and


journals, one hundred and fifty dollars; to James S.


Franklin, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, for recording



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3342   View pdf image (33K)
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