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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3341   View pdf image (33K)
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such institution shall have made a full report, as re-


quired by law ; to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at


Frederick, thirty thousand dollars; for the Maryland


Institute for Promotion of Mechanic Arts, three thous-


and dollars, as provided by act of eighteen hundred


and sixty-eight, chapter one hundred and ninety-


eight; to the colored Normal school, two thousand


dollars; for the Maryland Agricultural College, six


thousand dollars; to the House of Reformation and


Instruction for Colored Children, ten thousand dol-


lars; to the St. Mary's Industrial School, four thous-

For other

and dollars ; to the Aged Women's Home, fifteen


hundred dollars; to the Union Protestant Infirmary,


fifteen hundred dollars; to the Home of the Friend-


less, two thousand dollars; to the Manual Labor


School, fifteen hundred dollars; to the St. Joseph's-


General Hospital, five hundred dollars; to the Boy's


Home, five hundred dollars ; to the St. Vincent's.


Asylum, five hundred dollars; to the Colored Oblate


Sisters of Chanty, five hundred dollars ; to the


Home of Good Shepherd, tive hundred dollars ; to


the Maryland Industrial School for Girls, three


thousand dollars; to the Baltimore Orphan Asylum,


five hundred dollars; to the Home of Friendless.


Children of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, at Easton,


five thousand dollars ; five hundred dollars for each


year for two years to the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of


Baltimore; and to the Church Home and Infirmary


of Baltimore city two thousand dollars.




To the Secretary of the Senate, three hundred

Expenses of
the Legislature.

dollars; to the Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates,


three hundred dollars ; for binding the laws, journals


and documents of the present session, three thousand


dollars or so much as may be necessary; for the


expense of distributing the laws, journals and doc-


uments, one hundred and fifty dollars; to pay the


members of the General Assembly, their officers and


attendants, including cost of printing, postage and


miscellaneous expenses, and the per diem of the


President of the Senate and Speaker of the House


of Delegates, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars


or so much as may be necessary ; for indexing the


journals and documents of the Senate and House of


Delegates, seven hundred dollars, or so much thereof

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3341   View pdf image (33K)
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