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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3343   View pdf image (33K)
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the laws for the present session of the General


Assembly, four hundred and fifty dollars.




For the payment of the interest on the public

Interest- on
public debt

debt of this State, including the cost of exchange,


remittance and commissions for so much thereof as


is payable in London, seven hundred thousand dol-


lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

Authorized to

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of


the State shall, on the warrants of the Comptroller,


disburse said sums of money herein appropriated for


the objects and purposes specified, to or upon the


order of the person or body politic or corporate, sev-


erally entitled to receive the same.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take

In force

effect from and after the date of its passage.


Approved April 11th, 1874.




AN ACT to authorize the sale of freight and baggage


by Railroad Companies, and common carriers, in


certain cases.


SECTION 1. And be it enacted by the General Assembly


of Maryland, That whenever freight forwarded upon


any railroad to any point in this State, shall remain


unclaimed, and the legal charges thereon unpaid for


the space of three months after its arrival at the point


to which it shall have been directed, and the owner


or person to whom the same is consigned, cannot be


found upon diligent inquiry, or being found and no-
tified of the arrival of such freight shall neglect to


receive the same, and pay the legal charges thereon,


for the space of three months, then it shall be lawful

Authorized to

for such railroad company, to sell such freight at


public auction, after giving ten days' notice of the


time and place of said sale, by posting up notices

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3343   View pdf image (33K)
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