the boundary between districts, the County Commis-
sioners shall assign to each district its portion of said
road or bridge.
Opening new
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the opening, con-
struction and repair of new roads, the closing and
changing the location, and repair of all roads, shall
be within the control of the Board of Supervisors of
that district in which they are situated, subject to the
approval of the County Commissioners.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That the County .Com-
Annually levy
missioners of Baltimore county, shall annually levy
upon the assessable property of Baltimore county, at
the time of making the county levy, a sum of money,
not less than ten nor more than fifteen cents on the
one hundred dollars, for the use of public roads and
bridges in Baltimore county, which shall be collected
as other county taxes are collected.
Set apart
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the County Com-
missioners shall set apart two-thirds of the tax so
collected as a special road and bridge fund, which
shall be for the use and benefit of that district from
which it has been collected, and all orders for the
payment of money shall be signed by the chairman
and at least one other of the supervisors of that dis-
trict; the County Commissioners shall set apart the
remaining one-third of the tax so collected as the
general road and bridge fund, which shall be applied
y the commissioners to the general use and benefit
of the bridges and roads of Baltimore county, and for
no other purpose.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That when there shall"
Not sufficcient
not be sufficient money in the county treasury, set
apart as " the general road and bridge fund," to meet
the requirements of the county at large, the County
Commissioners are hereby authorized to borrow
upon the credit of the county, a sum not exceeding
twenty thousand dollars therefor, and shall pay the
same, together with the interest thereon, out of the
"general road and bridge fund."
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That whenever twenty
Opening of
any new road.
or more taxable inhabitants of Baltimore county shall
desire the opening of any new road, or the widening,