that said account is just, true and correct in each
and every particular, and if satisfied that such ac-
count is correct, he shall certify the same thereon,
before the same is presented to the County Com-
missioners for payment, and the County Com-
missioners shall pay no claim of any road supervisor
unless verified by oath or affirmation as above re-
quired, and certified to as aforesaid.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That all supervisors shall
Subject to
be subject to removal by the County Commissioners,
for neglect or refusal to comply with the duties of
their office; provided, they shall be notified of the
charge against them in writing by the County Com-
missioners, and summoned to appear before them at
a stated time and answer the charge ; and if any
supervisor shall resign or shall be removed, his place
shall be filled by the County Commissioners.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the County Com-
missioners shall keep a book of record for each
Keep record.
district, in which shall be recorded all roads and
bridges of that district, and all surveys and other
proceedings which may be had in reference to any
road or bridge in that district, and they are hereby
authorized to provide such books as may be ne-
cessary to carry out the provisions of this law, and
pay the cost thereof out of the general road fund
hereinafter provided.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the supervisors shall,
within ten days after receiving notice of their ap-
Divide into
pointment, and having taken the oath of office, pro-
ceed to divide their respective districts into three
sub-districts as nearly equal in extent of roads as
practicable, and assign to each supervisor the sub-dis-
tricts over which he shall have special snpevision,
and they shall meet as a board for the transaction of
business at such time and place as they may deter-
mine, and when called by the chairman.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That they are hereby
To take charge
authorized and directed to take charge of all the
roads and bridges in their respective districts, and
shall see that no obstruction, hinderance or injury is
permitted upon any road or bridge under their
supervision, and when anyroad or bridge shall form