straightening, altering or closing of any old road, or
part of any old road they may make application in
writing to the County Commissioners, setting forth
as near as may be the length and location of the road
so petitioned for, and the County Commissioners shall
give notice in one or more papers published in Bal-
Give notice.
timore county for two successive weeks that applica-
tion has been made and examination granted to take
place on the premises at a stated time not less than
twenty days from the date of said notice, and they
shall issue an order to three discreet disinterested
tax payers of Baltimore county, who, or a majority
of them shall constitute a Board of Examiners in
each case, directing them to meet upon the premises
at the time appointed in said notice, and after mak-
ing examination to determine if the public conveni-
ence requires the granting of said application, and if
the Board of Examiners or a majority of them shall
determine that the public convenience requires such
road, they shall employ a competent surveyor who
shall under their direction survey said road and make
a plat of the same.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the examiners shall
then return to the County Commissioners the plat
aforesaid, together with. a report signed by them or
a majority of them, stating that they have judged
said road to be for the benefit and convenience of the
public and their reasons therefor; and if they deter-
mine that said road is not for the public convenience
and ought not to be granted, they shall return to the
County Commissioners a report declaring such
opinion and their reasons therefor.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That whenever any-
Located and
road shall be located and surveyed as a public road,
the Board of Examiners shall make an estimate of
the cost of said road, and shall assess the damages
and benefits of the same upon the individuals inter-
ested, and the district or districts respectively in such
proportion as they may deem just and proper, and
shall furnish to the County Commissioners a report
of such assessment. And if any person or persons,
body corporate or district shall feel aggrieved by the
award, report, return or proceedings of said Board
of Examiners, he, she, they or it shall within thirty
days after said report is filed in the office of said