sand dollars, nor more than five thousand dollars, in
the discretion of the County Commissioners, and pro-
portioned to the amount of money to be expended in
roads and bridges in his election district.
Keep record
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said Chairman of
the Board of Road Supervisors in each election dis-
trict of said county, shall keep a record of all work
and other transactions relating to roads in his dis-
trict; and shall furnish to the said County Commis-
sioners on each and every occasion, when he shall
ask said Board of County Commissioners, or present
a bill to them for payment of money expended in his
district, a statement showing plainly and fully the
items of the amount of labor performed, or materials
furnished, the costs of the same, and to whom due;
and said statement shall contain and embrace, as
nearly as possible, the entire expenses of his district,
for the period during which he claims pay or com-
pensation, and shall contain a clear and detailed
account, showing plainly and distinctly whether the
amount charged for per diem of each supervisor in
the election district including himself, is charged
for services in superintending work on, or repair of
roads, or in, the necessary examination of roads in
said district, which account the County Commis-
sioners shall carefully examine, and they shall have
power to reject all items, unless satisfied the same
are correct.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Chairman of
the Board of Road Supervisors in each district, shall
exercise a general supervisory care over all the county
roads in his election district, and report the condition
of the same to the County Commissioners from time
to time as may be necessary, and whenever he may
be required to do so by said County Commissioners;
he shall make affidavit or affirmation as the case may
be, to the justness and correctness of the account
presented by himself, for work done under his im-
mediate direction and control ; before he presents
the same to the County Commissioners for payment;
Examine ac-
he shall examine the accounts of the other two road
supervisors in his election district, after an oath or
affirmation as the case may be, has been made to
each of them, before a justice of the peace of Balti-
more county, by the supervisor presenting the same,