Perpetual suc-
east fifty-four and eighty-four hundredths perches to
the place of beginning; and that the citizens residing
within the said corporate limits be and they are
hereby created a body corporate, with perpetual suc-
cession, by the name of the town of Bel Air, with
all the privileges of a body corporate, and tohave and
use a common seal ; and shall be liable and capabJe
in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded
in any court of law or equity.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That the citizens residing
Bold election.
within the corporate limits of the town of Bel Air
shall hold an election on the first Monday of May,
eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and in each and
every year thereafter, for tive commissioners, who
shall hold their offices for one year, or until their
successors are elected and qualified, and shall have
the management of the town; and who shall have
full power and authority to enact and pass all ordi-
Pass ordinance
nances, to preserve the health of the town, to pro-
mote cleanliness and good order, to regulate the
keeping and running at large of cattle, swine, goats,
dogs, fowls and other animals; to enact and pass all
such ordinances as may conduce to the peace, order,
and good government of said town ; to regulate the
police, and provide for the payment of the same; to
impose and appropriate taxes, fines, penalties, and
forfeitures for the breach of the ordinance ; to es-
tablish new avenues, streets, alleys and side-walks ;
to open, widen, narrow, repair, extend, stop up or
discontinue avenues, streets, alleys and side-walks,
Levy taxes
now laid out or used, and such as may be established
under the authority herein confirmed; to levy and
collect taxes for establishing, opening, narrowing,
closing, repairing and keeping in order such avenues,
streets, alleys and side-walks, and the roads leading
from and to said town ; provided that when any ave-
nue, street, alley or side-walk shall be opened,
widened or closed, the full value of all property
taken and used for such avenue, street, alley or side-
walk, or damage to be sustained in closing the same
in whole or in part, shall be assessed by the com-
missioners, and the said full value so assessed shall
be paid, or offered to be paid, to the proprietors of
said property before the said avenue, street, alley or
side-walk is opened, widened or closed; and that