Failure or
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any supervisor who-
shall fail or neglect to perform his duties under the
provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor, and be liable to presentment and indictment
by the Grand Jury, and on conviction in a court of
law, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars, nor
more than one hundred, in the discretion of the
court; said fine to be applied to the said road fund.
Approved, April 11th, 1874.
AN ACT appropriating a sum of money to pay for
certain buildings erected in connection with the
Washington University, in the City of Baltimore,
to make further improvements thereon, and to
provide for the free education in said University
of Students, from the several legislative districts-
in the State.
WHEREAS, By the act of eighteen hundred and
seventy, chapter one hundred and twenty-six, the
Board of Visitors and Faculty of Washington Uni-
versity were authorized to use the property of the
said university, as a basis of credit for obtaining a
loan of the sum of ten thousand dollars, either by
creating a ground rent or by mortgaging the same,
the said sum to be used for erecting an additional
building or buildings for university and hospital
AND WHEREAS, The contracts were made and
buildings to the extent of twelve thousand five hun-
dred dollars in cost were erected, when it was dis-
discovered that by a misnomer of the corporate title
of the Board of Visitors of the said university, the
purposes of the said act failed to be accomplished,
and the faculty of the said university assumed the
responsibility for the cost of said buildings, paying a
part thereof in cash for which a lien upon the said