amend such by-laws as it may deem necessary ; and
shall have power to acquire by purchase, or in any
other manner, and take, receive, hold, use, employ,
manage, dispose of, or in any manner not in consistent
with law, deal with any property, real, personal or
mixed, and situated in or out of the State, which may
bo necessary or proper to enable the said corpora-
tion to carry on the operations or fulfill the purposes
thereof, and generally to do every other act or thing,
not inconsistent with law, which may be necessary
or proper to promote the objects, designs and pur-
poses tor which said corporation is formed; but the
said corporation shall not alienate, mortgage, or
otherwise encumber any real estate which it shall
acquire, unless upon the recommendation of a ma-
jority of the Board of Management, approved by not
less than three-fourths of the members of the corpo-
ration, to be given at a meeting to be duly cal led for
that purpose.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the operations of
this corporation shall be carried on in Montgomery
county in the State of Maryland, and in the Dis-
trict of Columbia, the principal office to be located
on the Fair Ground, near the town of Rockville in
said county, with such agency or agencies elsewhere
as may be deemed useful or necessary.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any citizen of
May become a
Montgomery county or of the District of Columbia,
may become a member of the society on the motion
of any member, approved by a majority vote of the
members present at any meeting of the society or
Board of Management, and on the payment of the
sum of one dollar, the payment of which sum annu-
ally shall be required for continued membership.
Any one failing to pay said sum before the closing
of the annual fair, shall cease to be a member; but
no person shall vote at any election of officers unless
he shall have been a member of said society at least
four months next preceding such election.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the officers of the
society shall be a President and six Vice Presidents,
one from each of the present election districts of
said county, and one from the District of Columbia,
and an executive committee of five members of the