writing concerning the same; provided, however,
that the said real estate, so to be held by them, shall
be only that occupied as their office and place of
business, and such as may come into their possession
in satisfaction of any debt due to them upon mort-
gage, decree or judgment.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the direc-
tors shall be elected annually, by the stockholders,
Directors to be
on the second Monday of January, and they shall
elect from their number at the first meeting of the
Board after their election, as prescribed by the fourth
section of this act, and after all subsequent elections,
a President and Vice President; and shall also have
power to elect a Secretary and Treasurer, and to
appoint and employ such other officers, clerks and
agents as the business of said company may from
time to time require. All elections shall be by bal-
lot, and at such elections and at all meetings of
stockholders every stockholder shall be entitled to
one vote for every share of stock held by him ; but
no person shall be eligible as director who is not a
stockholder to the amount of one hundred shares of
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That ten days' notice
Notice of
shall be given by publication in two daily newspapers
published in the City of Baltimore, of the time and
place of the said annual elections, which elections
shall be conducted by three stockholders, one of
whom shall act as judge, and the other two as in-
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the directors shall
Declare divi-
have power to declare such dividends of profits of
the company as they may deem proper; provided
that no dividend shall be declared when the capital
stock would be impaired thereby.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the Board of Direc-
Make rules and
tors shall make all by-laws, rules and regulations
necessary for conducting the business of the com-
pany, copies of which shall be at all times accessible
to all persons transacting business with said com-
pany. The directors shall have power to require
payments of the amounts remaining unpaid on the
stock of the company, at such times and in such pro-