to such court, the manner in which such investments
are made, and the security afforded to those by or
for whom its engagements are held ; and the ex-
penses of such investigation shall be defrayed by the
said company, or the court may, if deemed neces-
sary, examine the officers of said company, under
oath or affirmation, as to the security aforesaid.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That any executor, ad-
ministrator, guardian or other trustee or public
officer having control of any bonds, stocks, securities,
monies or other valuables belonging to others, shall
be authorized to deposit the same for safe keeping
with said company.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said company
is hereby authorized and empowered to grant an-
Grant annuties
nuities upon such terms and surrenders as the com-
pany shall approve; to enter surety, and become
security for any person or persons for the faithful
performance of any trust, office, duty, contract or
agreement; and it is further authorized to become
sole surety in any and all cases where, by law, two
or more sureties are required for the faithful per-
formance of any trust or office, if, in the opinion of
the court, the said security shall be sufficient; and in
every such case the capital stock of the said company
shall be taken and considered as sufficient security
Capital stock
therefor; but in such case the officers and affairs of
said company shall be subject to examination, and
its property and effects liable as aforesaid; audit
shall be lawful for said company to stipulate and
provide for imdemnity from the person or persons
for whom it shall so become responsible, and to en-
force any contract, pledge or other security, made
or given for that purpose as may be equitable and
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said corpora-
Take, hold and
tion is authorized to take, have, hold and enjoy all
such estates, real, personal and mixed, as may be
obtained by the investment of their capital stock, and
all other monies or funds that may come into their
possession in the course of their dealing and busi-
ness ; and the same to sell, grant, mortgage, lease,
and dispose of at pleasure, and to execute, acknow-
ledge and deliver all deeds and other instruments of