SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That thejcorporation,
hereby created, shall have power to receive and hold
on deposit and in trust, and as security, estate real
and personal, and mixed, including notes, bonds and
obligations of States, companies, corporations and
individuals, and the same to purchase, collect, adjust,
settle, sell and dispose of, and upon such terms as
may be agreed upon between them and the parties
contracting with them; and shall also have power
to receive upon deposit for safe keeping, money,
jewelry, plate, stock, deeds, bonds and valuable
property of every kind, upon terms to be prescribed
by the by-laws of the corporation; provided, that
nothing herein contained shall authorize the said
company to engage in the business of banking.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the corporation
hereby created shall have power to make insurance
for the fidelity of persons holding places of responsi-
bility and trust.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said company shall consist of five thousand shares of
Capital stock.
one hundred dollars each, being five hundred thous-
and dollars, with the privilege to increase the same
by a vote of the stockholders at a special meeting to
be called for that purpose, to one million of dollars,
and the corporators or a majority of them named in
this act, shall have power to open books for sub-
scriptions at such times and places as they may deem
expedient, and when not less than three thousand
shares have been subscribed, and when fifty per
centum thereon has been paid in, the stockholders
may elect eleven directors to serve until the ensuing
Annul election.
annual election, or until their successors shall have
been duly elected and qualified ; and the directors
so elected of said company when it shall have
been organized, may, and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to have and to exercise in the name
and in behalf of the company, all rights and privileges
which are intended to be hereby given, subject only
to such liabilities as other stockholders are subject to,
and should the capital stock be at any time increased
as hereinafter provided, the stockholders at the time
of such increase, shall be entitled to a pro rata share
of such increase, upon the payment of the par value
of the same.