WHEREAS, the State of Virginia, by an act of its
General Assembly, entitled an act to designate the
arbitrators to ascertain and fix the boundary be-
tween the States of Maryland and Virginia, approved
on the twenty-eighth day of March, in the year of
our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-
four, has declared its willingness to submit the said
controversy to arbitration, and to accept as final and
conclusive, such award as may be made in the prem-
ises; therefore —
SECTION 1.. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Boundary line.
Maryland, That the settlement and determination of
the true line of boundary between the States of Vir-
ginia and Maryland, be referred to the Honorable
Jeremiah S. Black, of Pennsylvania, and the Hon-
orable William A. Graham, of North Carolina, and
a third person to be selected by them, who are-
hereby requested to act as arbitrators, and to ascer-
tain and determine the true line of boundary be-
tween the said States of Virginia and Maryland, and
deliver their award in writing, any two of them
concurring therein. Each State shall have the right
to be represented by counsel before said arbitrators,
subject to such regulations as they may prescribe;
and the State of Maryland hereby pledges its faith
to accept and abide by the award of said arbitrators in
Accept and
abilde by
the premises as final and conclusive ; provided, how-
ever, that neither of the States, nor the citizens
thereof, shall, by the decision qf the1 said arbitrators,
be deprived of any of the rights and privileges
enumerated and set forth in the compact between
them entered into in the year seventeen hundred
and eighty-five, but that the same shall remain to
and be enjoyed by the said States and the citizens
thereof, forever.
Final adjust-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That until the final ad-
justment and settlement of the said line of boundary,
the temporary line across the Chesapeake Bay,
known as the Lovett-Davidson line, shall be faith-
fully observed by the citizens of the said two States ;
and the Governor is hereby requested to forward a
copy of this act to the Governor of Virginia.
In force
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be
in force from its passage.
Approved, April 11th, 1874.