SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That in order to further
Rerord of
promote good behavior, and tend to reformation the
said Board of Managers shall provide in its rules and
regulations for a correct daily record of the conduct
of each of the persons confined in said House of
Correction and their fidelity and diligence in the
performance of his or her work; and each prisoner
shall be entitled to a diminution of the period of his
or her confinement under the following rules and
regulations :
First. For each calender month, commencing on
the first day of the month next after his or her arri-
Allowed de-
val at the institution, during which he or she shall
not be guilty of a violation of the discipline, or any
of the rules thereof, and shall labor with diligence
and fidelity, shall be allowed a deduction of five days
from each month of the period of his or her committ-
ment or sentence.
Second. For each and every violation of the rules
and discipline of the institution, or want of fidelity
Violation of
or care in the performance of work, the person therein
confined, shall not only forfeit all gained time in the
month in which such delinquency occurs, but, ac-
cording to the aggravated nature or frequency of his
or her offence, the board may deduct a portion or all
of his or her gained time.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That this act shall go into
effect from the date of its passage ; and that all acts,
or parts of acts, inconsistent therewith, be and the
In force
same are hereby repealed.
Approved, April 6th, 1874.