be arrested, and on due proof, to commit any vagrant,
habitually disorderly person (not insane) or habitual
drunkard, to said House of Correction for a period
not less than three months, nor more than six
months, and on a second or subsequent committment
of the same person for any of the said causes, he or
she, in the discretion of the justice may be sentenced
to double the time of the first committment; provided,
that any person, who may be brought before a justice
of the peace as herein mentioned, shall have the right
to appeal to the Circuit Court of the county, or if in
the city of Baltimore to the Criminal Court of said
city, where the same shall be tried as other crimes
and misdemeanors.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That every person com-
mitted or sentenced to the said House of Correction,
To be employed
shall be kept at some useful employment, such as
may be best suited to his or her age and moat profit-
able to the institution, and if the person shall refuse
to perform the work assigned to him or her, or be
guilty of acts of insubordination or misconduct, such
person shall be punished in such manner as the reg-
ulation prescribed by said Board of Managers shall
provide, and a record shall be kept of every punish-
ment inflicted and the cause thereof, in a book which
shall be kept at the institution, and shall always be
laid before the said Board at its meetings, and it shall
be the duty of the board to exercise a careful super-
vision and control over the punishments inflicted.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That any person com-
Levy apply for
wriit of habeas
mitted to said House of Correction by a justice of
the peace, may apply for a writ of habeas corpus, to
any Judge of any Court of Record, and upon return
thereof, such judge, if he shall deem that there is
sufficient ground for so doing, shall hear the evidence
offered and either discharge the applicant or modify
or confirm the committment.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the Board of Man-
Allot and pay
portion of
agers shall in its discretion, and with reference to
the uniform good conduct therein, of the persons
committed or sentenced to said institution, allot and
pay over to such persons at the time of their release
a portion of the earnings of his or her labor.