laid on each and every hundred dollars of the taxable
property of this State, to meet the interest and to
create a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds
or certificates of debt herein directed to be issued,
and the said tax shall be annually levied, collected
and paid over to the State Treasurer, until the debt
created by this act shall have been paid, and a
distinct and separate account shall be kept thereof,
and the proceeds thereof are hereby pledged to the
payment of the principal and interest of the said
bonds or certificates of debt, and for that purpose so
much thereof as may be necessary, shall be applied
to the payment of the interest upon the bonds or
certificates of debt aforesaid hereby created, and the
balance invested by the Treasurer in such manner
as the increment of the sinking fund of the State is
authorized by law to be invested.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the title to all the
Title shall vest
estates and property of the said House of Correction,
shall vest in and be held by George William Brown,
George S. Brown, and Robert T. Baldwin, of the
city of Baltimore, as Trustees for the State of Mary-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of
meeting the expenses, of said House of Correction,
Meeting the
after it shall be ready to receive inmates, the sum of
twenty-five thousand dollars, is hereby appropriated
out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap-
propriated; and the Treasurer of the State is author-
ized and directed to pay the same to the Board of
Managers of the Maryland House of Correction, on
the warrant of the Comptroller, at such times and in
such amounts as the said Board of Managers may
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That whenever any per-
son may be convicted in any of the courts of this
Persons con-
victcd, may be
State, of any crimes or misdemeanors, and who is
sentenced to
liable under existing law to be sentenced to impris-
onment for a period not less than three mouths, and
not exceeding three years, such court may in its dis-
cretion sentence such person to said House of Cor-
rection instead of other place of confinement.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duly
To commit
of any justice of the peace of this State, to cause to