tomac Railroad commences, and the point where the
said Baltimore and Potomac Railroad, as now located,
crosses the western boundary of the city of Balti-
more; but the said company shall have power to
charge for tolls upon and the transportation of per-
sons, goods, produce, merchandise or property of
any description transported by them on said railroad,
between the points on the line of the Northern Cen-
tral Railway, as newly located, where the said Balti-
more and Potomac Railroad commences, and the
point where the said Baltimore and Potomac Rail-
road, as now located, crosses the western boundary
of the city of Baltimore, or any portion of the dis-
tance between the said points, any sum not exceeding
the rate of twenty-five cents per ton, for both tolls
and transportation, for every mile or proportionate
part of a mile the same may be transported ; and for
passengers, not exceeding the rate of fifty cents per
mile or proportionate part of a mile for each pas-
senger; provided, however, that the Western Mary-
land Rail Road Company, and the Union Rail Road
Company, shall have the right to use the said road,
for the passage of locomotives and cars, with or
without passengers and freight, between the afore-
said points, at such times as may be agreed upon by
the Presidents of the Baltimore and Potomac, and
the Western Mary land Railroads, or other authorized
officers of said roads ; and in the event of a disagree-
ment as to the times for the passage of the said
trains, cars or locomotives, then the two officers shall
select some disinterested person, who shall adjust
the time-table; and it is hereby further provided,
that no extra charge whatever shall be made for the
return of empty cars or locomotives drawing said
trains, when tolls or freights shall have been charged
on produce or other freight conveyed in said cars;
and, provided, further, that the said Baltimore and
Potomac Rail Road Company shall not have power
to charge the Western' Maryland Rail Road Com-
Tolls on coals,
pany and the Union Rail Road Company for tolls
goods, &c
upon the transportation of coals, goods, produce,
merchandise or property of any description, trans-
ported by them through said tunnel, and between
the said points, any sum exceeding five cents per
ton, for both tolls and transportation, for every mile
and proportionate part of a mile the same may be