SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Governor of the
Appoint judges
State shall appoint three judges of election for each
election district or portion of each district or precinct
to be annexed a? herein provided for, the said judges
shall be residents and voters in Baltimore county,
and the County Commissioners of Baltimore county
shall designate the place for holding said election,
and said election shall be held on the first Tuesday
in May, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and in
the same manner that elections are held for delegates
to the General Assembly of Maryland. The judges
of election shall not receive the ballot of any person
Not to receive
whose name is not upon the registration books, and
who does not reside within the limits proposed to be
annexed; and the return judges shall certify the re-
sult of such voting to the Governor and to the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Baltimore county, and to the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, and if the
highest number of votes of those voting for or against
said annexation shall be for annexation, then the
said part of Baltimore county, within the bounds and
courses described in this act, shall become and con-
stitute a part or portion of Baltimore city, and the
Governor shall issue his proclamation to that effect,
and the inhabitants thereof shall thenceforth enjoy all
the rights and privileges now held and enjoyed by
the citizens of Baltimore city.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if the said part of
Baltimore county shall be annexed, as required by '
the provisions of this act, then all the provisions of
an act entitled " an act to erect Baltimore town, in
Baltimore county, into a city, and incorporate the
inhabitants thereof," and all acts supplementary and
in addition to the said act shall be and the same are
hereby extended and applied to said part of Balti-
more county so annexed and to the inhabitants
thereof; provided that nothing in this act contained
shall be held to repeal or in any manner effect or in-
terfere with the provisions of the acts of eighteen
hundred and seventy, chapter ninety-nine, entitled
an act to lay off streets in Baltimore county adjoin-
ing Baltimore city, and to repeal certain acts incon-
sistent therewith, and the acts of eighteen hundred and
seventy-two, chapter seventy-eight, entitled a supple-
ment thereto, and chapter three hundred and eighty-
seven, entitled an act to repeal and re-enact with