AN ACT to extend the limits of Baltimore city by
including and annexing a part or portion of Balti-
more county in and to the said city, and to pro-
vide for taking a vote of the people residing in
said part or portion to be so annexed, for or against
such annexation.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Extend the
Maryland, That all that part or portion of Baltimore
city limits.
county which is included within the following metes
and bounds, that is to say : bounded on the east by
a line parallel to and distant easterly one mile from
the east side of East Avenue, as laid out on the
Canton Company's grounds, and extending and run-
ning from a point where it intersects the north or
secondly herein described hues, southerly to the
channel of the Patapsco River or the boundary be-
tween Baltimore and Anne Arundel counties ; and
bounded on the north by a line distant northerly two
miles from the north side of Boundary or North Ave-
Metes and
nue at North street, and to run parallel with and to
Townsend street, as laid down on Poppleton's map
of Baltimore, to the eastward of Cathedral street,
said line extending from a point where it intersects
the line first herein described to a point where it
intersects a line thirdly herein described, and bounded
on the west by a line run parallel to and distant
westerly one mile from the west side of Payson street,
as laid down on Poppleton's map of Baltimore
city; and extending from the north or secondly
herein described line to a point where it intersects
the southern or fourthly herein described line at low
water mark on the south shore of the Patapsco, and
running thence for the southern boundary with the
south shore of the said river at low water mark to
the eastern boundary of the Marine Hospital prop-
erty, and thence by a straight line to the south
terminus of the first herein described line in
the channel of the Patapsco, from the eastern to the
western boundary lines as herein described, be and
the same is hereby annexed, and made a part of the
City of Baltimore; provided the provisions of this
act, for taking the sense of the people by ballot, shall
be complied with.