amendments part thereof, and all other supplements
and amendments thereto, or to invalidate any pro-
ceedings that may have been taken, or may be pend-
ing or may hereafter be taken under the provisions
of said acts or any supplements thereto ; but the
said acts and supplements and every part thereof,
and including all rights of appeal and other rights
created and guaranteed thereby, and all offices, du-
ties and powers now existing and exercised, or-
hereafter to exist and be exercised, under and ac-
cording to the provisions of said acts and supple-
ments, shall continue in full force and effect until the
next session of the Legislature, when, if the said an-
nexation shall have been affected and required by
this act, proper provisions shall be made by the Legis-
lature for distributing equitably between Baltimore
county and the City of Baltimore the expenses which
may have hitherto, and hereafter be incurred by the
County Commissioners and the Street Commissioners
of Baltimore county in the execution of the aforesaid
acts and supplements thereto.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and City
Appoint com-
Council of Baltimore shall be and are hereby author-
thorized and empowered to appoint two commission-
ers, and the County Commissioners of Baltimore
county shall appoint one commissioner, and it shall
be the duty of said commissioners, or a majority of
them, upon notice given, to cause the metes and
bounds described in the first section of this act to be
Mark bounds
and limits
forthwith surveyed and distinctively marked ; and if
the said portion of Baltimore county be annexed as re-
quired by the provisions of this act, to have said
bounds and limits distinctively marked, and suitable
boundary stones marked as boundaries between the
said city and county, to be placed at the beginning
and termination of each line, and boundary stones,
marked as aforesaid, and not at a greater distance
than one hundred perches from each other, to be
placed on all lines which are not in the water and do.
not run with some natural boundaries; and the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall cause a
plat of the said survey to be made and duly certified,
to be returned and be recorded in the Clerk's office
Plat of survey
certified and
of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, and in the
office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
County, among the land records of Baltimore city,