seventy, entitled an act to add additional sections to
the fourth article of Public Local Laws, relating to
the city of Baltimore, sub-title "Streets," be and the
same are hereby repealed and the following enacted
in lieu thereof:
1. The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, are
hereby authorized and empowered to provide by gen-
Establish per.
eral ordinance for the establishment of the perma-
manent grade
nent grade lines of any street, lane or alley, or part
thereof, now or hereafter to be marked, located or
laid out, upon the plan of said city, on application of
the owner of any property binding thereon, and from
time to time for a change in any such grade lines,
which may have been previously so established, and
for the assessment and collection of the cost of said
work, either through the general tax levy or by spe-
cial assessment upon the party making the applica-
2. The said Mayor and City Council shall have,
Provide for
and are hereby vested with, full power and authority
grading, &c.
to provide by ordinance for the grading, shelling.
graveling, paving and curbing, or for the regrading,
reshelling, regraveling, repaving and recurbing of any
street, lane or alley in said city, or part thereof, now
condemned, ceded, or opened as a public highway,
or which may hereafter be condemned, ceded,
opened, widened, straightened, or altered according
to the laws and ordinances regulating the same; and
also for assessing the cost of any such work in whole
or in part pro rata upon the property binding on
such street, lane, or alley or part thereof, and for col-
lecting such assessments asother city taxes are col-
3. The said Mayor and City Council shall also
Power to grade
have, and are hereby vested with power and author-
ity, to provide by general ordinance for the grading,
graveling, shelling, paving or cubing, or for the re-
grading, regraveling, reshelling, repaving or recurb-
ing of any street, lane or alley, or part thereof, in
said city without the passage of a special ordinance
in the particular case, whenever the owners of a ma-
jority of the front feet of property binding on such
street, lane or alley, or part thereof, shall apply for
the same upon terms and under conditions to be pre-