able at any period longer than twenty years from the
date of issue ; said bonds to be exempt from taxation
Exempt from
for county and municipal purposes, and the said Pre-
sident and Commissioners shall have power to sub-
scribe, out of the money arising from the sale of said
bonds, such sum or sums as they may deem proper
tor the capital stock of any corporation or corpora-
tions hereafter formed for the purpose of supplying
said town with pure water and gas, or to loan to such
corporation or corporations out of said moneys, such
sum or sums as they may deem proper, the said cor-
poration or corporations securing the same in such
manner as to said President and Commissioners may
seem safe and proper.
SEC. 162. The said President and Commissioners
may, on application of any person holding a lot or
lots in said town, have the same surveyed and the
limits thereof established by a committee of three of
their own body, who, or any two of them, may em-
ploy a surveyor for the purpose, and expenses,
thereof shall be charged in fair proportion upon the
holders of lots surveyed, and may -be collected as
other small debts; provided, that upon application
for survey, the owners of adjoining lots or their
agents shall be notified, if residing in said town, and
if neither the owner of said lots, nor their agents
shall reside in said town, the notice of the time and
place of making said survey shall be posted at the
post-office in said town at least twenty days before
said survey.
SEC. 163. The person making such survey shall
Establish per-
manent boun-
establish permanent boundaries of the lots surveyed,
and a certificate of the survey and bounds thereof,
shall be returned by the surveyor, attested by two or
more commissioners, and recorded among the office
papers of the said President and Commissioners, and
a certified copy thereof shall be evidence of the lines
of said lots.
SEC. 164. All taxes, fines, forfeitures and penalties
Application of
fines, &c,
imposed by the said President and Commissioners,
by virtue of any law or ordinance, shall be applied
tor the use of said town, as may from time to time
be directed by said President and Commissioners:
and all such fines, penalties and forfeitures may be