streets of said town, and to renew and repair the
pavements upon said side-walks, whenever, in their
judgment, the same shall be necessary; and may
assess and levy, in their discretion, not exceeding
two-thirds of the expenses thereof, as a tax upon the
land fronting on the side-walk, which shall be paved,
or upon which the pavement shall be renewed or
repaved, so that each lot of land may be charged
with the payment of not exceeding two-thirds of the
expense of paving the side-walk, or renewing or re-
pairing the pavement immediately in front thereof,
and upon the same side of the street on which said
lot is situated; and the residue of said expense, or
the whole thereof, as the case may be, shall be levied
generally upon the assessable property of said town ;
Pave streets.
they shall also have power to pave that portion of
the streets of said town not covered by the side-walks,
and so assess and levy, not exceeding two-thirds of
the cost thereof, in equal proportions, upon the lots
fronting upon that part of the street so paved, on
each side thereof, rateably according to the number
of front feet; and the remaining part, or all, as the
case may be, of the cost, they shall levy upon the
general assessable property of said town ; they shall
also have power to make culverts under the streets
in said town, and to make culverts or drains across
Make culverts.
the property lying on the westerly side of Main
street, so as to carry the water from, said street into
the Susquehanna River; and in case they shall fail
to agree with the owners of the property through
which the culverts or drains are to be made, or said
owners shall be incompetent to contract, or reside
out of Cecil county, then the land necessary for the
construction of said culverts or drains, shall be con-
demned, as provided in section one hundred and
fifty-nine of this article.
SEC. 161. The said President and Commissioners
may borrow on the faith of said corporation any sum
May borrow
of money not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, and
money and
issue bonds.
issue therefore the bonds of said corporation, signed
by the President, sealed with the seal of the corpora-
tion, attested by the clerk; said bonds to be on in-
terest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, and to
be in sums ranging from one hundred to one thou-
sand dollars, and payable at such times as they may
direct; provided, that no bonds shall be issued pay-