hundred and fifty, one hundred and fifty-one, one
hundred and fifty-two, one linndred and fifty-three,
one hundred and fifty-tour, one hundred and fifty-
five, one hundred and fifty-six, one hundred and
fifty-seven, one hundred and fifty-eight, one hundred
and fifty-nine, one hundred and sixty, one hundred
and sixty-one, one hundred und sixty-two, one hun-
dred and sixty-three, and one hundred and sixty-four,
of article eight of the Code of Public Local Laws,
entitled "Cecil County," and relating to Port De-
posit, and to re-enact the same with amendments,
and to provide for taking the sense of the qualified
voters of Port Deposit, whether or not said repeal
and re-enactments, with amendments, shall go into
effect, or be utterly void, be and the same is hereby
repealed, and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
SEC. 141. The inhabitants of the town of Port ,
Deposit in Cecil county, are a corporation by the
name of President and Commissioners of "Port
Deposit, and by that name shall have perpetual
succession, may sue and be sued, may purchase,
hold and dispose of real, personal and mixed
property, for the use and benefit of said town, and
may have and use a common seal, which may be
altered at pleasure.
SEC. 142. All male inhabitants of said town,
citizens of the United States, above twenty-one years
of age, who shall have bona-fide resided in said town
for the space of six months, and twelve months in the
State next proceeding the election, shall on the last
Monday in February in each year, at such house as
shall be designated by the President and Com-
missioners, by a notice to be put up in at least five
of the most public places in said town, at least one
week before the day of election, elect by ballot seven
judicious and discrete persons, citizens of the United
States, who shall have resided within the limits of
said town for at least twelve months proceeding the
election, as Commissioners of said town ; the persons
thus elected as Com..iissioners, shall, within one
month after their election, qualify by taking the oath
prescribed by the sixth section of the first article of
the Constitution of Maryland, before a justice of the
peace in and for Cecil county, and at their first
meeting, which shall be within one month after the