election, they shall choose from their own body a
President, who shall preside at all meetings of the
Commissioners, and vote on all questions before
SEC. 143. All such elections shall be held and con-
ducted as shall from time to time be directed by the
by-laws of the corporation, not inconsistent with the
provisions of this article.
Refuse to
SEC. 144. If any of said Commissioners, after they
are elected, shall refuse to qualify or shall after they
have qualified, die, resign, remove from said town
or be otherwise disqualified, an election to fill said
vacancy shall be held after two weeks previous
public notice, to be put up as aforesaid by said
President and Commissioners, by hand bill written
or printed, and posted at the post office and at three
other public places in said town ; provided, that no
election to fill vacancies shall be held so long as five
of the Commissioners shall remain, who have been
duly elected and qualified ; and the said remaining
Commissioners not less than tive, shall have all the
powers conferred upon said President and Com-
missioners, as fully to all intents and purposes as if
the whole seven were in office, duly qualified.
Neglect to
SEC. 145. If the inhabitants of said town shall at
old election.
any time neglect to make an election at the time
herein mentioned, the power of electing Commission-
ers shall not cease, but the right and power of said
inhabitants in that respect shall continue, and the
President and Commissioners for the time being shall
continue in office until such election shall be held.
SEC. 146. The limits of said town shall commence
on the Susquehanna River, at the eastern terminus
of the old Port Deposit bridge, and run thence north
forty-five degrees, eastone quarter of a mile; thence
in a southeasterly direction in a straight line to a
point one-fourth of a mile from the centre of the
main street of said town on the road leading from
Port Deposit to Battle Swamp, known as the Bell's.
Ferry road; thence in a straight line to a point on
Herring Run, one fourth of a mile from the Susque-
hanna River ; thence down the said run to the Sus-
quehanna River, and then by and with the said river
to the place of beginning.