of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, the
said County Commissioners shall make a full, clear
and explicit statement, giving a full and detailed
statement of the cost of said court-house, jail and
furniture, the name of every person to whom money
was paid in erecting said buildings and supplying
furniture tor the same, and publish the said state-
ment for one week in the usual way of publishing
public matter in Wicomico county.
In force
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved, April 1st, 1874
AN ACT to protect travelers on highways in Balti-
more county at and near railroad crossings in eaid
SECTION 1. Be. it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Northern Central Railway Com-
Station a guard
pany, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company,
the Philadelphia,Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad
Company, the Union Railroad Company of Balti-
more, and the Western Maryland Railroad Company
shall respectfully station a guard of at least one per-
son at all the crossings following, that is to say : where
the Northern Central Railway crosses the Fall's turn-
pike and York turnpike road, and the following
county roads: the Joppa road near Rider's Station,
at Jessop's Crossing, between Phenix and Ashland,
and at Freehand's; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at
the Washington road and at the Rolling roads ;
Baltimore and Potomac Railroad at the Franklin
road or street, the Calverton road and Maiden's
Choice road ; Union Railroad at the crossing of the
Baltimore and Havre-de-Grace turnpike road ; West-
ern Maryland Railroad at the crossing of the Balti-
more and Reisterstown turnpike road, at the Cross
Keys, at Owings' Mills, and at Glen Morris Station,