County Commissioners are hereby prohibited, audit
shall be unlawful for them to contract for said site
or the erection of a jail, or the erection and furnish-
ing of said court-house and offices, until the levy
shall have been made for the several purposes set
forth in this section respectively.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That if said Coun-
ty Commissioners shall find it impracticable to con-
tract for a site, except on disadvantageous terms.
then they are authorized and required, by a writ ad
quad damnum, to condemn any lot or parcel of land
for said site of court-house and jail, the cost of said
legal proceedings and the sum awarded to be paid as
other expenses incurred in the erection and furnish-
ing of said court-house and jail are paid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said County
Commissioners shall, as speedily as possible, procure a
Adopt a plan
and specifica-
site, and adopt a plan and specifications for said
building; and they shall invite sealed proposals, by
publication for a reasonable time, for building the
court-house and jail, and furnishing the same; and
that the party or parties proposing to build the said
court-house and jail, and the party or parties pro-
posing to supply the furniture for the same, shall
present their proposals in sealed envelopes, to be de-
posited with said County Commissioners or their
clerk; which proposal shall set forth the amount of
money for which he or they propose to do the work
or supply the furniture; and good and sufficient
security shall be taken by the County Commission-
ers from the party or parties contracting, in the name
of Wicomico county, as security for the faithful per-
formance of such contract as may be entered into;
and that the contract or contracts for building such
court-house and jail and furnishing the same, shall
be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said
Employ archi-
County Commissioners are authorized, should they
deem it necessary, to employ a capable architect, at
a reasonable compensation, to prepare plans and
specifications for said court-house and jail, and super-
intend the building of same under their general
supervision ; and on the completion and furnishing
of said court-house and jail, on or before the first day