AN ACT to authorize the Commissioners of Wi-
comico county to levy taxes on the assessable
property of said county, for the purpose of pur-
chasing a site on which to erect a court-house and
jail, and furnish the same.
Purchase site
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
for court house.
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Wi-
comico county be and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to contract for the purchase of a
site for a court-house and jail, for the erection of the
same, with all the necessary offices; to superintend
the building, and furnishing the said court-house and
offices, when constructed, with all the necessary
cases and furniture for the accommodation of the
courts to be held in said building for said county,
members of the bar and public officers, and with
such other things as their convenience may require ;
and for the purpose of paying for said site, court-
Paying for
house and jail, the said County Commissioners are
hereby authorized to levy money on the taxable
property of said county, not exceeding eighteen cents
in the one hundred dollars, in one year, as follows:
in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, the
sum of eighteen cents in the one hundred dollars;
in eighteen hundred and seventy-five, eighteen cents
in the one hundred dollars; in eighteen hundred
and seventy-six, eighteen cents on the one hundred
dollars; and in eighteen hundred and seventy-seven,
such a sum as they may need, not exceeding eighteen
cents in the one hundred dollars, to complete the
expenses incurred in the purchase of site, the erection
of court-house and jail, and furnishing the same, not
exceeding thirty thousand dollars in amount.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said commissioners
Open an acc't.
shall open an account, in which said levy is to be
kept separate, and styled the court-house fund, and
that levied and collected in eighteen hundred and
seventy-four, to be applied to the payment for site;
that of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, to the
erection of a jail; and that of eighteen hundred and
seventy-six and seventy-seven, to the erection and
furnishing said court-house and offices; and the said