Violate the
SEC. 81. Be it enacted, That if any person or
persons shall violate any of the ordinances of the
town of Easton, under the charter of the said town.
by loud or boisterous talking, cursing, swearing or
using profane or vulgar language or otherwise, in
any manner whatever, disturb the peace and good
order of the said town of Easton, or shall obstruct
the streets or side-walks in any manner whatever,
or violate any ordinance relating to the market of
the town of Easton aforesaid, it shall be lawful and
is hereby made the duty of the Bailiff of said town,
or the Sheriff or Constable, or other municipal
officers of Talbot county, to arrest the person or per-
sons so offending or violating the ordinances as
aforesaid, and take them before some justice of the
peace of said county ; and upon conviction of said
offence or offences, the said offender or offenders
shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than
twenty dollars, with costs; the line to go to the use
of said town, and in default of payment of the fine
and costs aforesaid, the party or" parties shall be
committed to the county jail until the tine is paid.
Approved, April 1st, 1874.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
chapter one hundred and eighty-two, of the acts of
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, entitled an act
to incorporate the Trustees of the Masonic Hall
and Church in Bel Air.
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly of
Repealed and
Maryland, That chapter one hundred and eighty-two,
of the acts of eighteen hundred and fifty-three, be
and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted to
read as follows :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That A. Lingan Jarrett, William H. Dal-