most expedient for the purpose, and may levy upon
the assessable property of the county, and pay the
expenditures for such repairs, and all incidental ex-
penses arising therefrom; provided, such expendi-
tures shall not exceed the sum of fifteen thousand
dollars for any one year. And they may divide the
county into road districts, or the road into sections,
and may appoint supervisors or other road officers
over the same at such fixed annual compensation as
they prescribe in advance, who shall hold their places
during the term of office of commissioners and until
their successors are appointed; and it shall be the
duty of such supervisors or other officers to keep in
repair the roads and bridges of said county, under
Duty of such
the direction and regulation of said commissioners,
for any neglect of which duty they shall be subject
to removal from office and to deduction from their
compensation by said commissioners, and for that or
any other malfeasance in office be also liable to in-
dictment in the Circuit Court for said county.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the county commission-
Employ corps
ers, if in their discretion they deem it expedient,
of laborers
may make provision for the employment of one or
more permanent corps of laborers, not exceeding
eleven corps for the county, for the repair of the roads
and bridges of said county, under the supervision
of such officer or officers of sufficient skill and expe-
rience for the purpose, and they shall require any
officer or officers appointed for such purpose, to give
bond in such penalty and with such security as they
may fix and approve, and with such conditions as
they may prescribe in regard to the duties to be per-
formed, the use, safe keeping and due return of all
property placed in tlieir charge, and the proper dis-
posal of all monies coming into their hands for road
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That the said county commis-
sioners, if in their judgment it is expedient and pro-
per, may raise in advance such an amount or amounts
Negotiate loan
as may be sufficient for the repair and improvement
of the public roads of said county, by negotiation of
a loan or loans upon the bonds of the county at not
less than their par value, bearing six per cent, inter-
est, payable annually, and said bonds payable in an-