stock shall entitle any holder to a vote which shall
not have been holden, four calender months pre-
vious to the day of election ; and stockholders
actually resident in the United States, and none
other, may vote at elections by proxy.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful
Increase its
for the said Calvert Bank to increase its capital
capital stock.
stock in shares often dollars each, to an amount not
exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, and such
increase of capital may be made at any time or times,
and at different times, and in such amounts not less
than one hundred thousand dollars, at any one time,
as the President and Directors may direct; but no
such increase shall be valid until the said increased
capital shall be paid in, whereupon the President
and Cashier shall give notice of the said payment
and the amount thereof, in two daily newspapers
Give notice
published in the city of Baltimore, with their several
oaths appended, that the amounts of said increased
capital has been truly and bona fide paid in ; and
after ten days' from the time of said publication,
shall issue certificates of stock to the parties entitled
thereto, and such stock so issued shall be valid to all
intents and purposes as the first issue of stock under
this act.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the said bank may
Real estate.
purchase and convey real estate as follows : First,
such as shall be necessary for accommodation in the
transaction of its business; second, such as shall
be mortgaged to it in good faith by way of security
for loans made by the bank, or moneys due thereto;
third, such as shall be conveyed to it in satisfaction
of debts previously contracted; fourth, such as it
shall purchase at sales under judgment, decrees or
mortgages, held by said bank, and as provided in
the preceding section.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the said Calvert
Bank may purchase and take an assignment of any
mortgage of any Building or Land Association, or
any corporation or individual, and hold the said
mortgage with the right to receive the dues, weekly
payments, interest, bonus, fines and principal due
thereunder, and to enforce any fines or penalty for
the non-payment of the same, or either of them,