AN ACT supplementary to an act of November
session, eighteen hundred and twelve, chapter one
hundred and fifty-nine, entitled " an act for
founding an university in the city or precincts of
Baltimore, by the name of the University of Mary-
land, " and to authorize the regents of the Uni-
versity of Maryland, to dispose of a portion of the
property held by the said university for the use of
its Faculty of Physic, and to apply the proceeds to-
wards the erection of a hospital, for the use of the
said faculty, and the School of Medicine under its
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Regents of the University of
Authorized to
Maryland, be and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to sell, or otherwise dispose of the lot
and improvements belonging to said University,
situated on the south-west corner of Green and Lom-
bard streets, in the City of Baltimore, being the build-
ing and adjacent premises now used and occupied
lay the Faculty of Physic of said University, for the
purposes of an Infirmary, and to execute such deeds,
or other conveyances, as may be necessary therefor,
without liability on the part of the purchaser to see
to the proper application of the purchase money.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That upon the comple-
tion of any such sale, or other disposition of said
Completion of